Should I hire a wedding planner?

There are a few key times in a couple’s life when they spend large sums of money in a relatively short time; primarily when they move house when they get married. In the instance of buying a new house you may have a substantial deposit to put down on a house and you will nearly always consult and pay professionals to ensure your money is being well spent. Wedding planning is no different – as a couple you may have a significant sum of money to spend on your wedding day, so it only seems fitting that you would entrust a wedding planner to ensure that you get good value for your money and that your money is spent wisely. This blog looks at a few of the reasons why you should hire a wedding planner. I hope you enjoy the article and if you have any comments, please feel free to leave us one in the comments box!

1)      Best Value for Money

  • Whether you are paying for your wedding with your own hard earned money, or the hard earned money of your parents or relatives, getting the best value for money is extremely important. A good wedding planner will research the very best suppliers for your wedding, they will negotiate good rates and they will build up a solid relationship with your chosen suppliers to ensure they deliver the level of service they promised.

2)      Best contacts

  • Wedding planners have worked hard through the years to build relationships with suppliers in the industry. They really do have a little black book of the best people to speak to including their strengths and weaknesses. If you book a wedding planner for your big day, take full advantage of this resource!

3)      Benefit from savings through the wedding planner’s relationships

  • Similarly to the point above, Wedding Planners build relationships with their suppliers, they will often be given preferential rates for recommending suppliers which are passed on to the supplier. A photographer for example may charge £1500 directly to a client, but because of the relationship with the wedding planner, they may offer a rate of £1250. Savings like this can add up over the course of your wedding planning!

4)       Not afraid to ask the awkward questions

  • Wedding Planners have a good understanding of the cost of all areas of your wedding day. Should a supplier put in a quotation that seems excessively pumped up without any additional benefits to the couple, they will happily challenge this and negotiate you a better deal.

5)       Streamline the process

  • Wedding planning can be a big task for some couples. Organisation is a not a natural trait for all people and the additional pressures of planning your day can put pressures on your relationship – especially if you are both not natural organisers! It is not a fleeting comment to say a wedding planner makes the stress to you as minimal as possible. Dare we say it, we make the process fun!

6)      Leave you to enjoy your day

  • Your wedding day has arrived but you now need to set up the hotel room or dress the marquee. Maybe the photographer is running late but you’ve missed their call and your blood pressure starts to rise. Change this scenario to you having a glass of champagne with your bridesmaids laughing still about your hen do whilst having your hair and makeup done by a true professional. The photographer may be running late but the wedding planner has whispered in your ear their new arrival time whilst assuring you that the venue is looking absolutely beautiful awaiting your arrival. Sound better?!

There are so many reasons to hire a wedding planner and we have only highlighted a few of the really important reasons. At Eden & Eve we take our wedding planning a step further; we take your ideas for your day and we add a bit of our creative flair to show you within you budget what is possible. As creative individuals, we breathe life into your ideas and then we do the hard part for you – the meticulous planning. The couples we work with are successful individuals who appreciate the hard work that goes in to planning such an event. If this sounds like you, we would love to have a chat on or email us at . We look forward to speaking to you!